Drum Dance > Repertoire | 리틀엔젤스예술단-한국무용&합창공연

Drum Dance > Repertoire

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Dance Drum Dance

1964 Premiere

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,296회 작성일 21-07-30 16:37


This dance depicts the inner conflicts of a monk who is searching for the way back to the right path after he has allowed himself to stray from the lofty principles and strict commandments of Buddha. The attitudes and movements in the dance deftly characterize the eternal struggle between the body and soul. Each dancer performs this number with a set of six drums.

The sounds of the drums express the essence of Korean rhythm with its fluctuating strength and weakness. The energetic sounds made by the seated drummers drive the standing drummers as the sounds of their drums deepen and gradually becomes more exciting. When the drumming reaches its peak, its tension and excitement penetrates deep into our bones and draws us toward the energy on the stage.
  • (재)효정한국문화재단
  • 대표자 : MOON JULIA HOON SOOK (박훈숙)
  • 등록번호 : 207-82-00650
  • 서울시 광진구 천호대로 664
  • TEL : 070.7124.1762
  • E-mail : korealittleangels@gmail.com
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