Moon Festival > Repertoire | 리틀엔젤스예술단-한국무용&합창공연

Moon Festival > Repertoire

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Dance Moon Festival

1966 Premiere

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,040회 작성일 21-07-30 16:45


Legend has it that this dance, The Moon Festival (Ganggangsullae), listed as UNESCO World Heritage, was once performed on a moonlit night to block a Japanese invasion of Korea. Through this dance, women in the Joseon Dynasty sublimated their grief. In a time when women were restricted in many ways, holding hands and singing rhythmically, they danced under the blue moonlight. All elements from the song, the movements, the costumes, and even the set shown by the company in this work, overflow with metaphorical lyricism. It is a masterpiece of the Korean spirit that desires to defend the fatherland.
  • (재)효정한국문화재단
  • 대표자 : MOON JULIA HOON SOOK (박훈숙)
  • 등록번호 : 207-82-00650
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